Health and Health Care

This page is from the 2016 election campaign. I am leaving it here as a record.

Firstly, I believe that one layer of government should be responsible for healthcare. This may require a referendum. I don't have a strong view of whether state governments of the federal government should be responsible, but I am leaning towards the federal government as the federal government is the one that collects most of the taxes. I realise a change like that is not going to happen anytime soon.

We can always get a better health care system by spending more money on it. But as a believer in responsible budgets, I am going to suggest areas where we can spend more money and areas when we can save money. I am concious of the fact that some of those suggestions fall into the area of state responsibility. But as state and federal responsibilities are so intertwined, I decided to write them down anyway.

We should spend more money on the following:

But there also some areas where savings can be made.

I also believe that there are a lot of initiatives that fall outside the area of healthcare, yet impact on the health of the population. As an example, if we have pleasant and safe areas to walk and cycle near where we live, we are more likely to walk and cycle for recreation and transport and be healthier as a result. In and around Barton, we are well endowed with suitable parklands and bike paths. But other areas are not so fortunate.