In 2016, a development company called Cook Cove Inlet Pty Ltd submitted a Development Application (DA-2017/179) for almost all of Cooks Cove South to be turned into a golf course. The new golf course was to be the new home of Kogarah Golf Club. KGC used to be located in Kogarah but has already moved once and is now in Cooks Cove North between Marsh Street, the M5 and the Cooks River. Why the move? Because the developer wants to build apartments in Cooks Cove North.
The Developer withdrew DA-2017/179 when it became clear that the DA had no chance of success. One particular showstopper was the zoning for Cooks Cove South. There were also problems with the impact of the development on endangered species including the critically endangered Curlew Sandpiper. How much weight various other issues had that had been raised in the submission on the DA, I am not able to say. People who had made submissions on the DA were notified on November 3, 2017. According sources quoted in an article in The Leader from November 5, 2017, we could expect the developer to submit "in the coming months" and new DA "which incorporates the feedback from both the community and government agencies". My translation: The developer has realised its mistake in submitting such an egregiously bad DA and is hoping that a DA which is not quite as bad might succeed.
Having a golf course in Cooks Cove and also major new residential development is something that can't be done without compromising public open space and leading to a reduction in sporting fields (of which we already have too few). So any golf course relocation DA is going to be problem. However, this particular development application was particularly bad for the following reasons:
Click here to see my site covering the 2016 Development Application