The Latest Change to Zoning/SREP 33

Sydney Regional Environment Plan 33 - Cooks Cove is a 2004 plan for a technology park to take up part of the Cooks Cove North (the current home of Kogarah Golf Club) and a new golf course to take up some of Cooks Cove North and most of Cooks Cove South. There was actually a 2005 development application which was approved in 2006 to make this plan happen (The map on this page is from the SREP 33 site which took it from the 2005/2006 DA). Then the 2008 financial crisis came and the company behind the development application, owned by a person named John Boyd, shut down.

The SREP 33 amendment proposal explains that the 2016 development application for constructing a golf course and club house in Cooks Cove South failed because of some zoning difficulty involving a distinction between a recreational area and a recreational facility. Why this was a problem in 2016/2017 but not 2005/2006 is not clear. Perhaps it was different individuals taking a different interpretation of the language in SREP 33. But we should be thankful we dodged a bullet for the second time.

The SREP 33 amendenment documentation gives the impression that the amendment is really quite a minor change to bring SREP 33 in line to what was originally intended anyway. But it is not so simple for a number of reasons.