The Beauty of Cooks Cove South - the Music Videos

The cellist Laceface, whose music I highly recommend, has made two music videos in Cooks Cove South which can be watched on YouTube. The photo above shows her in Cooks Cove South.

These music videos show that the park is not just an area for sports and recreation and a habitat for threatened species. It is also a site of cultural significance.

Links to Laceface's music videos in Cooks Cove South are below.

Stitch A beautiful song. I strongly recommend watching it. I lost track of the number of times I watched it.
Swamp Stomp A quirky piece of music. By pure coincidence, I walked by as the music video was made and I watched one take of one scene. That's how I found out about the artist.


Laceface has one song which is so brilliant that I can't resist mentioning it even though it has no footage of Cooks Cove South. It is Principles of Cosmicism and the Concept of Nothing.